
Northern Swimming Vision: Swimming is the sport of choice for Western Australians.

Northern Swimming Purpose: To actively promote and provide opportunities that will increase participation in aquatic activities producing life-long swimmers and champions in our community.

Northern Swimming Values: Excellence, Respect & Teamwork


SwimmingWA SPIRIT Values

Safety | Passion | Integrity | Respect | Inclusion | Teamwork

Safety: To practice and promote the safety and well-being of all people in the swimming community.

Questions to ask

  • Am I familiar with the Safe Sport Framework, and where is it located?
  • Are we considering what's best for the sport, its members and participants?
  • Are we embracing the diverse priorities of the organisations within our sport?
  • How do we lead our sport in values-based behaviour?

Examples of Behaviours and Action

  • Member protections Information Officers available in multiple levels across, Clubs/Zones/Region and Association.
  • Include Safety and Safe Sport Framework discussions as part of 'normal business' at all levels of sport.
  • Annually evaluate the well-being of athletes, coaches and volunteers.
  • Implement grievance policies, and clear communication pathways for areas of concern.

Passion: To have fun whilst encouraging everyone to be the best they can be.

Questions to Ask

  • Is this still fun for me, or am I doing it for the wrong reasons?
  • Do our motives align?
  • Is my passion an excuse for poor behaviour?
  • Are all our Members representing the organisation and its interests and not acting in favour of personal other interests?

Examples of Behaviours and Action

  • Holistic view of the sport, and the needs of all the participants.
  • Providing fun events (in and out of the pool) to your Members to keep engagement a priority.

Integrity: To act ethically, honestly and with transparency.

Questions to Ask

  • Do I reflect on my behaviour; the impact I have on others and the way decisions are made?
  • How do we call out behaviour that goes against our values?
  • As leaders of our organisation, do were have known, shared and agreed values which underpin our culture?

Examples of Behaviours and Action

  • Leaders reflect on their actions and behaviours and if they exhibit the values.
  • Challenge fellow leaders in a respectful manner on actions that are in contradiction with the values.
  • Key leadership act in the way that exemplifies the values.
  • Provide the Board, SWA Staff and other Leadership positions with honest assessments of organisational culture from both internal and external stakeholders.
  • Conduct a periodic culture survey of the organisation, with results published, actions documented and progress communicated. 

Respect: To demonstrate a sense of fair play and value the contribution of everyone in the swimming community.

Questions to Ask

  • Would I be comfortable with this being said to my family/friend?
  • Have I listened to the needs of others?
  • Have I managed my conflicts of interest in a neutral manner?
  • Am I working within the Code of Conduct?

Examples of Behaviours and Action

  • Understanding the pressures of a volunteer based sport.
  • Promote education and training when required.
  • Lead by example.
  • Induct Members to be familiar with SWA Code of Conducts.

Inclusion: We are proud and inclusive to all those who are interested and involved in the sport.

Questions to Ask

  • Are we diverse?
  • is what we are providing accessible for all?
  • Is how we communicate inclusive?
  • Are we reaching out to the wider community?

Examples of Behaviours and Action

  • Provide equal opportunities for all Members.
  • Be understanding of differences.
  • Have approachability and accessibility.

Teamwork: To collaborate with purpose, and to keep each other accountable.

Questions to Ask

  • How do we ensure our collaboration and consultation is meaningful and enduring?
  • What areas of our sport can we collaborate with others (squads, coaches, clubs, committees, events)?
  • Does our structure allow everyone to fulfil their duties to Members of the sport?

Examples of Behaviours and Action

  • Retention of Membership and Key volunteers.
  • Removing duplication working as a community.
  • Sharing resources, and Intellectual Property.

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